Thursday, October 04, 2007

I am getting Closer!!!!!

Just checked and I am getting very close to getting on Ravelry! Here is my count today!

You signed up on August 18, 2007
You are #26702 on the list.
4128 people are ahead of you in line.
12534 people are behind you in line.
57% of the list has been invited so far

I keep ready about everyone else getting their invites...and I am getting jealous! Not really just anxious.

Today though is a really down day for me. I am getting a cold and mixed with my allergies, I feel just plain you know Murphy's law has stepped in because this weekend I am suppose to have a date with a new gentleman and we are meeting for the first time. We have talked on the phone but now I get sick...I am hoping by Friday I feel better. I am eating chicken soup and drinking as much liquid I can to flush this thing out! Wish me luck, he sounds like such a good person. Will keep all posted. This is so tough dating at this age. We all have so many habits and it's hard to bend or change some of them...I have been alone for 15 years and I am finding it hard to change.....but I am so willing to change I mean having someone else share the bathroom and the other things that go along with being a couple. Now do you think I have put the cart before the house? LOL I have enjoyed talking on the phone with this gentleman I am hoping things progress.....Okay now I am acting like a teen...LOL

I have almost finished my monkey socks for my secret pal...I have the toe to finish on the last sock and then block them. I have knit the majority on the train coming and going to work. They have been so much fun...

Will fill everyone in on my date later......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Check your email.....:)