Thursday, August 14, 2008

SP 12 Question

I am so far behind the questions that I can't even remember which one this is....but here goes...this is me trying to get caught up and put a check mark for a task on my list! Yeah for me.

Which Olympic event would best describe your knitting/knitting style?

This is a tough one because I have not even taken the time to watch the Olympics...but I think my knitting style and my knitting would be like the balance beam routines. I execute well, I juggle all the projects at once, but unless I am perfect with my timing...I just fall off of that beam. Right now I am struggling on keeping my balance and staying on the beam of projects. My knitting style flows with that, because unless I get it right I will try over and over again until it looks great for a 10 score......Whoo hoo!

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