Wednesday, October 01, 2008

I am Very Tired

It's October 1, 2008 and this begins the new year Federal employees. This was very tough getting through this year. I have the supervisor from hell. She, I have come the conclusion, is very predigest against older females. I am 16 years older and she finds fault with me every step of they way. When I requested a day off to go to the doctor she accused me in a round about way that I was creating a 4 day weekend (I work a compressed schedule and have every other Friday off) and having off on Thur. Friday and the weekend was a habit I was creating. I have never done this and so I am now using Thur. as my day off to take care of my dentist and podiatrist appointment and coming in on my Friday. OH BTW....she took off today...said she was sick....the day after the Govt. fiscal. I have big issues with this...we are all tired...and I drug my tired pain wracked body in so I could get my work done......She is just a BITCH. Enough said.....needless to say.......I am looking for a new job....maybe out of this agency. I am weary of negative comments and favoritism. Okay ...yes I know it happens but this office is the worst I have ever been around. I am too darn old to be treated so shabby.....especially when I try so hard. But I will not kiss anyone A$$! I draw the line.

I am so anxious to start working on my newest adventure ...fabric postcards. I have received the most beautiful ones and I will start mine this weekend!

If anyone would care to send me an encouraging word, I could sure use one, two or plenty! I am pretty beatten down at the moment and I am just weary with all of my health issues. Better yet, just pray for my health to improve and the other hopefully will fall in line...maybe she will leave.


Wendy said...

Hey girl.... sorry to hear that things have gotten so bad. Are you planning on going to the Sheep Dog Trials in Orange on Sunday? Sarah and I are heading down and meeting up with Chan and a few others. Maybe a little fiber therapy is what you need.

scappyhappy said...

Thanks Wendy...things will get better. I didn't know about the Sheeop Dog Trials...but this weekend I plan to stay in and sew and knit. Oh..BTW...the podiatrist put me in a boot...Achilles tendon issues...she was afraid it might rupture. But I will get better...just had to rant and will get over this! Hey have a great time.

Miss Me said...

it's not you - it is HER. she sounds like one of those people who makes herself feel good by putting other people down. and i KNOW how tired you all are after year end! we all get sick right after our year end... no fun, but it is how most people respond to the prolonged period of stress. take care of yourself because you know that your employer won't!